
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Attention all Star Wars fans!!

Would you like to help me (Bendy) take over the dark side of the force (Blue and Mist)??

To make your application, simply leave a comment saying your panda name, and who you will become (Star Wars character)

Please note:

Bendyfriendy (me) is already Luke Skywalker



1 comment:

  1. hi guys i would love to start coming on this bolg lots and for this can i be R2-D2

    p.s love your bolg

    pandanda username:jordy456 bule and bendy and msitral u guys now me


Please no swearing, rude remarks and please stick to the topic.


BluIsGood and Bendyfriendy

If you need help with the "Comment as:" bit, click the drop button and choose 'Name/URL'. Just put the name you want displayed in the 'Name' bar. Leave the 'URL' bar empty.